
An Asana is a Yogic body position, the different Asana are affecting different areas in our body and glandular system as well as in our mind. When practicing Asana our state of mind should be a state of acceptance and surrendering into the posture. We stay firm yet relax and by that we get to expand our boundaries both in body and mind. While in the Asana we use our breath awareness to help us stay present and receptive.
Here are some major Asana that are often used in a Kundalini Yoga practice:
Rock Pose (Vajrasana)
Sit on your heals, separate your buttocks so that your sitting bones are right above the heal bones, Straighten your spine, place your palms on your thighs.
This Asana can be used as a sitting Asana for deep meditation and it is highly effective after food taking since it stimulates and supports the digestive system.
Rock Pose
Baby Pose (Balasana​):
Begin sitting on the heels.
Lean forward and place your forehead on the ground, directing your focus to the Third Eye. Your arms are on the ground at your sides with palms facing upward. This is a great Asana to relax in, practicing this Asana stimulates the Third eye Chakra and the pituitary gland..
Yoga Mudra 
Begin with sitting on the heels.
Move into Baby Pose, with the forehead on the ground.
Interlace the fingers behind the back, with palms facing inward, and bring the arms up perpendicular to the floor.
This Asana brings energy to the head and the brain, Enhances relaxation and concentration.
Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
Start sitting on the heels and continue by rising up onto your knees.
Draw the pelvis forward, while pulling the tailbone under.
Exhale and slowly begin to arch backward, chest and hips lifted and open.
End by grabbing your ankles or heels and dropping your head back.
Modification: If you are a beginner or have lower back problems, place your hands on your lower back, instead of ankles.
Keep knees fairly close together.
When exiting the Asana, make sure your head follows last.
This position stimulates the Heart Center and the Thymus gland that is connected to the immune system.
Camel Pose
Cat-Cow (Marjariasana)
Starting on the hands and knees, with hands shoulder width apart, fingers spread wide, and knees aligned with hips.
Inhale into cow position, arching the spine down, lifting chest up and opening the heart as you stretch your head and neck back.
Exhale into cat position, arching the spine up like an angry cat, while pulling the chin into your chest.
Begin with the movement slow and controlled, with the head always following last.
Allow your breath to establish your rhythm and then feel free to go as fast or slow as your body wants.
Hold a bit of tension at the Navel Point when you extend into cow pose to allow for greater opening of the ribs.
Cat Stretch
Start from lying on the back.
Stretch your arms out on the ground above your head, bending one knee in and bringing it across the opposite side of your body. Breath long and deep in to your lower back and enjoy the twist.
Switch knees and do the same on the other side.
Cat Stretch
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Start with lying on your stomach, your hands under your shoulders and palms flat on the ground.
Lift from your chest and heart center, allowing the head to follow last as you arch back, keeping your arms straight and feet together.
Modification: If you cannot keep feet together, keep upper thighs together.
And if you cannot keep arms straight, bend elbows or rest your forearms on the floor.
Don’t let your back arch too deeply.
Stretch into abdomen and chest and away from lower back.
It is highly recommended to always do a counter stretch pose after this Asana, like Baby Pose or a front bendCobra Pose
Ego Eradicator
Start either in Easy Pose or by sitting on the heels. Apply Neck Lock.
Lift your arms up to a 60 degree angle, with your fingertips touching the pads of the palm and thumbs fully stretched out.
Shoulders should be drawn down, away from the ears. close your eyes and look at the crown chakra (Top of your head). Begin Breath of Fire or Long and deep breathing
To end, Inhale and bring the thumbs together to touch over the head with fingers open. Exhale and Relax.
Keep elbows completely straight.
Be conscious to keep the arms at a 60 degree angle throughout the exercise.
Do not arch the spine.
Ego eradicator
Frog Pose
Squat down with your heels touching each other and lifted up off the ground.
Your finger tips touch the ground between your legs and your head faces forward.
Inhale as you straighten the legs and draw the hips up, knees as straight as possible, finger tips remaining on the ground, while heels stay lifted.
Exhale back down into squatting position, face forward.
Reminder: Keep the movement rapid.
Frog Pose
Frog Pose
Front Stretch – Life Nerve Stretch (Paschimottanasana)
Stretch your legs out as straight as possible in front of you.
Grab your big toes with your index and middle fingers wrapping from behind and your thumbs pressing into the big toenail.
Exhale and straighten the spine, bending forward toward your knees, continuing to lengthen your spine all the way down.
Inhale up, with head following last.
Always lead with the Navel Point rather than the head.
Try to touch the belly to the thighs instead of bringing your head to your knees. In order to hold the stretch, contract the muscles in the thighs and pull them away from your knees.
Life Nerve Stretch
Life Nerve Stretch
Life Nerve Stretch – Modified 
Spread your legs as wide as you can with your knees straight. Inhale and straighten the spine up  – the arms are raised upwards, Twist right and bring the head to the right knee, as your arms goes down to the right toe, Inhale as you elongate the spine in the center and do the same for the left side.
do it for few deep breath.
Then hold to your toes with both hands , Inhaling and stretch your pine in the center, exhale and bring your chest to the floor, try to keep a long and straight spine.
Life Nerve Stretch Life Nerve StretchLife Nerve Stretch
Maha Mudra (The Great Seal of Yoga)
Start by sitting on the left heel with the heel pressed into the perineum.
Stretch the right leg out in front of you, grabbing the big toe with your right index and middle finger wrapped behind and your right thumb pressing into the toenail, and with your left hand support the center of the right sole. Exhale,  and then apply Root Lock(Mulbandh), then apply Diaphragm Lock(Uddiyana Bandh), and finally the Neck Lock. Hold the breath out.
The entire time your eyes are focused on your big toe in front of you, with pressure on the Third Eye.
To end. release all the locks then Inhale.
All three locks are pulled as tight as possible
Keep your spine straight so your head is aligned with the base of your spine.
It is very important to always exhale all of the breath from your body before performing the Diaphragm Lock.
Maha Mudra
Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)
Start lying on the back. Bring your hands to the back of your hips, right below the waist. Lift your hips and pull your legs up to a 90 degree angle with the ground, keeping your spine aligned with your legs.
this position stimulates the Throat Chakra and the thyroid gland
It is very important to support your body weight with your shoulders, not your neck.
The elbows should not be too far apart.
Shoulder Stand
Plow Pose (Halasana)
Begin in a Shoulder Stand.
Keep your legs together with toes pointed, and drop them down, touching the toes to the ground behind the head.
Try to keep the back straight and perpendicular to the floor.
Arms stay on the floor pointing away from the body with the fingers interlaced.
You can point your hands toward the toes.
Bring the knees toward the ears.
Spread the legs.
Sat Kriya
Sit on heels with palms together above the head, all fingers interlaced besides the index fingers which are pointing straight up.
Women cross left thumb over right, and men right over left.
Hold arms straight, keeping them close against the ears.
Pull Navel Point in and up toward the diaphragm as you say “Sat,” and release with a “Naam”.
Keep shoulder blades open
Keep your body straight and aligned the entire time
Make the pulling up of the navel smooth and controlled
Sat Kriya
Stretch Pose
Lie on your back with legs stretched straight out in front of you and feet together.
Keep your lower back flattened into the ground.
Your hands are lifted at your side, palms facing down.
Lift head up through lifting from the heart.
Apply Neck Lock and look at your toes.
Lift your feet six inches off of the ground.
Start Breath of Fire.
If you find it difficult to hold the position at the start, you can place your hands under the buttocks for lower back support.
You can also modify the pose with one leg raised at a time in order to keep the Breath of Fire powerful.
Stretch Pose
Archer (Virabhadrasana)
Start standing. Spread feet about 2-3 feet apart.
Bring the right foot forward with the right knee slightly bent and aligned with the toes. The left foot is back, perpendicular to the right. Knee is straight.
The tailbone is tucked under. Bring both arms up as if pulling a bow and arrow.
On both hands, curl fingers into the pads of the palms, with your thumbs straight up. Right arm is extended straight out in front of you, and the left arm is bent, close to the chest, as if pulling the bow. Keep a slight Neck Lock. Breath long and deep as you fix your firm gaze on the right thumb.
Switch sides.
Both arms should be parallel to the ground.
The stretch should be felt in the hips and in the chest.
Make sure not to overstretch the back.
Your weight should be balanced over both legs.
Archer Pose - Asana
Triangle Pose (Adhomukha Svanasana)
Start by standing. Place the hands with spread fingers and soles of the feet flat on the ground. Your body should be forming the shape of a triangle.
Feet are aligned with the hips. have your whole foot touching the ground, Your spine straight and long, your buttocks high up, your armpits are turned toward each other, your look it in the navel point.
Chin pulled in.
Shoulders rolled open.
Triangle Pose
Deep Relaxation (Shavasana)
Lie flat on your back with your eyes closed, your arms at your sides, palms facing up, your feet separated, but not too far apart. Make sure your chin is pulled in and there is no strain on the neck. Then lay still and relax. let only your breath to be present. Each time you exhale let go more, feel as if your body becomes heavy and merges with the ground. You may perform a mental scan of the various body organs and release the tension from each organ. After the scan, completely relax the body and mind. Don’t move, Allow rest to occur.
The relaxation phase is one of the most important steps in the practice. At this stage, the information that has risen from the subconscious during the practice can be digested and dissolved. If we practice without relaxation we loose a great part of the benefits of the practice.
Recommended time for deep relaxation is 8-15 minutes.